- Availability: In stock
- Delivery : Free
Exclusively designed Chaar Sahibzaade Craft Packs will provide your little Singh's and Kaur's a way to explore and express their creative side. These Sahibzaade Craft Packs contain the following items: \n
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- A two page child friendly description of the Chaar Sahibzaade \n
- 4 x Large Person cuttable shapes printed on A4 Card. \n
- 4 x Sahibzaade card sheets with our Sikh Colouring Designs of Baana, Patka, Kirpan, Gatra, Eyes and Mouth - kids are invited to colour or paint these, cut them out, and use glue to stick them on to the large person cards. These are individually labelled with the names of the Chaar Sahibzaade. \n
- 4 x Strips of adhesive gems \n
- 12 x Mini Colouring Pencils \n
- Assorted stickers \n